Senior Suggestions

Do you want Amazing images for your Senior session, but don't quite know what outfits to wear for your session? Let us help you with our Professional opinion.


  • Avoid sleeveless tops if at all possible
  • White tops add weight. Dark tops are slimming.
  • Bring something trendy and fun.
  • Eyeglasses produce glare. We suggest removing lenses.
  • Excessive jewelry or oversized jewelry tends to distract attention away from your face. 
  • Class rings are a plus. Remember to bring them with you.
  • Watch for tan lines and/or burned or peeling skin (additional fees to correct these can be costly.)
  • Hair should be prepared and trimmed before your portraits but go light on hair Products because they can cause excessive glare and highlights (these can cause additional fees to correct.)
  • Makeup should be applied a little heavier for your session.
  • Hand and nails should be nicely groomed.


  • Bring something dressy, Ladies always appreciate a nice dressed man
  • A variety of accessories can be brought  like shades, hats, belts and shoes.
  • Bring something trendy and fun.
  • Simple colored tee and some jeans are classic in some cool portraits.
  • Watch excessive hair products they will cause glare or shine (additional fees are required to fix).
  • Eye wear can produce glare and we suggest removing lenses.
  • Hand and nails should be nicely groomed.

Tips for all

 You are encouraged to bring personal items that will add creativity and a personal touch to your Senior Portraits. Musical instruments, sports/hobby items and collectibles are great accents. Class Rings and Letter Jackets  are  recommended as well. We want to create an amazing experience that is “All About You”!!!

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